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Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:41 pm
by cobbadiggabuddyblooo
So look at your ratio and burn rate and act accordingly

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:30 pm
by coxylaad
cobbadiggabuddyblooo wrote:So look at your ratio and burn rate and act accordingly

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:44 am
by Racer-unk
170mm dogbones fitted......check
carbs cleaned and rejetted (holding thumbs 6Sigma have a clue)....check
Coils powered by relays, new 5K caps and new DP8EA-9 plugs gapped to 1mm.....check
weather for Saturday's race.........ooohhh F...!.... :x

seems I am all dressed up with nowhere to go :oops:

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:33 pm
by Racer-unk
seems i rode the previous two occasions on the track with the ignitech unit in a default state..(could this happen if batt is off for a few days, or was it clumsy fingers?)
No wonder i was miserable on the straight. reloaded and now have to wait for a chance to ride..wont be tomorrow....cos its pissing down already.... :cry:

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:38 pm
by coxylaad
interesting, let me know what the difference is. when you say default state do you mean default TRX map or just default factory generic thing?

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:32 am
by Racer-unk
default map is just flat on top

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:30 am
by cobbadiggabuddyblooo
Default factory what???
Make connection and press "READ" then "VERIFY" so it reads what is loaded. Then look at the "BIKE" listing and see if it is on TDM850.
Default factory could be any of the number of ignition maps as it depends what bike is selected.
No- I have swapped between 2 different ignition modules a number of times and it has no impact if there is no power on what is loaded.

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:45 am
by Racer-unk
Cobba... I initially "read"" and it showed the bike as TDM850, but with different settings.
Then I downloaded my saved file which was the correct file.
After that...(disconnect and switched off, and then I reconnected and read again and it was the correct settings. Re-checked subsequently.

I did not ""read and verify" the first time, just ""read"".

Problem might be, the copy I saved on my desktop..... changed to the (what I call default) map..... I probably did something wrong there.. :oops:

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:07 pm
by cobbadiggabuddyblooo
If you click on "FILE" you should find it has saved the last 9 previously installed programs and you can name them that way you can always go back to a previous map if you change something and don't like it. :wink:

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:44 am
by Racer-unk
so I take a days leave and load bike, ready to test all the changes i made, as members are allowed to do on a Wednesday, ...... after noon. Only to be told the track is closed for the week.
Thanks to all my mates on the Whatsapp group, especially those whom attended the meeting....... [-(
F-that i am off to the pub!

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:13 am
by Racer-unk
Flu or no flu.....tomorrow I am on the track....... :D

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:27 am
by coxylaad
go on lad! :D

let us know how it goes

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 5:56 am
by Racer-unk
Yesterday I mostly had the track to myself in the morning session. This was good because i could concentrate on lines and suspension behavior in certain corners.
(few other guys did afternoon session)
Track was filthy after it was closed for maintenance, not to mention the session the amateur drag-race guys had there.
Nearly high-sided on entry to straight as I went over a patch of oil...(close call save) (walked back to the corner to go look at the state of the track)
Had a little front slide in the Esses, but that was just dirt on the track.
Think I need to stop pushing harder and work on consistency.

The 6-Sigma jets don't work for me. Clearly too big. Will have to order some this coming week and fit before Saturdays race.
Track was hot and I was pushing, trying to establish my brake marker limits.

With 170mm dog-bones fitted, it felt good and I seem to exit corners a bit faster.
I felt the rear suspension misbehaving a few times and dialed in 2 clicks harder on compression and reduced rear Tyre pressure by 0.1 Bar
Came in mid-session for two extra clicks and that made the rear settle somewhat.
Now the front-end simply has to go. Bit of squirming under hard braking does not bother me, but the iffyness in tight corners are annoying. If I don't have the line just right and smooth then the bike
feels like its is all over with a slight change in throttle. (Lack of rebound settings?)
Sweeps are good. no ugly surprises and I can change up with the bike cranked well over.
Need a pair of R6 forks before next season. Problem is they must be conventional forks, which means the old type of heavy wheels and other brakes.
I don't want to lose the Brembos...they are deadly and I have good feel with them.
Maybe older Ducati 41mm forks? some research on the cards.

Today Is a cooler breezy day and there is a BIG track day. Some guys wanting to join for racing next year, are anxious to try out their new track toys.
My flu has me down and I know I cant join them. (not often that sanity prevails with me) Well maybe I can pop out and support for a while.
better go unload bike and kit now.

Hasta la vista...........

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:06 pm
by dandywarhol
Why not look into Race Tech emulators if you need to keep the same fork style? IMO they are better than stock R6 forks. It took me a while to set mine up but I've no complaints and with bluespot calipers/master cyl i don't feel the need for any more with these forks

Re: Track day on standard NX4

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:10 am
by Racer-unk
would the YYS valves not be easier to grinding to start with???